
Finding the Historical Christ is unavailable, but you can change that!

This volume by Paul Barnett is a calculated reaction against the popular dichotomy between the Jesus of history and the Christ of faith. In Finding the Historical Christ Barnett seeks to establish that the two figures are, in fact, one and the same. The culmination of Barnett’s After Jesus trilogy, Finding the Historical Christ carefully examines the ancient sources pertaining to Jesus,...

historical question. What if there is no connecting relationship between the Jesus in (say) Mark’s artistry and Jesus as he was? Put simply, it means we have the possibility of a global story and individual stories that are no more than that, stories—in a word, fiction. Once again, we have not been able to reach back from the postresurrection worshiping church of the letters and the Apocalypse to the preresurrection historical Jesus. Subjectivity in history writing is not new. Indeed,
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